Yorktown YMCA
200 S. C.R. 600 W Yorktown IN 47396
Yorktown YMCA
200 S. C.R. 600 W Yorktown IN 47396
- Phone: 765-759-8960
Hours of Operation
Mon – Thu: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – Noon
Sun: Closed
summer operating hours
There will be no changes to the Yorktown YMCA’s operating hours.
Child Watch Hours
Mon- Thur: 9:00 AM – NOON and 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Childwatch is available for ages 6 months – 9 years
Maximum occupancy of 10 children
Park Walk and Work Out
DCFC soccer season and JAA baseball and softball seasons, as well as Munciana Volleyball all keep the Yorktown Sports Park lots busy! The gravel parking area on the south side of the Yorktown Sports Park is also available for Y members. Although it might seem more inconvenient to park further from the building on these busy days, remember that getting in extra steps provides aerobic and cardiovascular benefits. Just think of it as a warm up to your work out! Links to our Yorktown Sports Park partners are available below.
Yorktown Sports Park Partners
Town of Yorktown: www.yorktownindiana.org
Delaware County Futbol Club: www.dcfcsoccer.org
Munciana Volleyball: www.munciana.com
Yorktown Junior Athletic Association: www.yorktownjaa.org
Yorktown High School Athletics: www.ihigh.com/yorktowntigers