Safety Around Water Campaign

Did You know…

  • For children ages 5–14, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death.
  • Every year in the US there are an estimated:
    – 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings
    – 8,000 nonfatal unintentional drownings
  • Drowning can happen even when children are not expected to be near water, such as when they gain unsupervised access to pools.

The YMCA is committed to making swimming part of the list of basic life skills and reducing water-related injuries, particularly in communities where children are most at risk. Beginning in April, we are excited to offer free water safety classes to the youth of our community. Our hope is to better prepare your child and prevent drownings.


Two sessions will be available: 1-1:30 pm or 1:45-2:15 pm

  • Registration is open October 28th to November 8th

Location: Muncie Central High School Pool
Each session is limited to 20 kids. These sessions are open to ages 7-11 and are focused on kids who have little to no swim experience.


Kids will learn the two benchmarks of the YMCA Swim Curriculum:

  • Jump, Push, Turn, Grab
  • Swim, Float, Swim


Reminder: Each session is limited to 20 kids. These sessions are open to ages 7-11 and are focused on kids who have little to no swim experience.



Contact Chuck Gallatin at the Northwest YMCA

P: (765) 286-0818

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