Charitable gifts help the Y meet its current goals and plan for the future.
In a world that changes so rapidly, the Y has been at the heart of communities for generations. The Y is a reliable, professionally managed organization guided by four core values: caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Led by local volunteers, the Y is in touch with our community’s changing needs. A healthy Y capable of making a significant impact in the community is a gift we have received from prior generations. It is a gift we should pass along, in a stronger position, to future generations.
When you give to the Y, your gift will have a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own neighborhood.
A bequest or beneficiary designation for the YMCA in your will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy is a gift that keeps on giving, year after year. A planned gift is a way to support the mission and programs that you believe in long after your lifetime. Together, we can strengthen our community for generations.
Planned giving to the YMCA can help you achieve your objectives by protecting your property, providing for your family and guaranteeing you a life income.
What and how to give depends on your situation. The Y’s staff is ready to work with you and your advisors, in confidence and without obligation. We can help you determine the best possible methods of giving depending upon your circumstances.
Becoming a member requires a commitment which now, or in the future, will add to the Endowment Fund of the YMCA of MUNCIE.
In the case of a will or other deferred gifts, the amount need not be revealed. However, revealing gift amounts aid our long-range planning. Revealing gift amounts also allow us to acknowledge the gift at its present value and credit the donor appropriately. There are a variety of gift programs available to qualify for ___ membership, including those, which allow a donor to make a significant gift and receive life income and/or tax advantages:
- An outright gift of securities or property.
- Gifts with life income retained by the donor – a charitable remainder trust.
- Gifts of life insurance – naming the YMCA as beneficiary or owner of the policies.
- Memorial Gifts honoring a loved one through the establishment of a short or long-term memorial endowment fund.
- A bequest – language in a will designating the YMCA for a specific amount or a percentage of the donor’s estate.
Gifts to the YMCA Endowment Fund may be undesignated or directed to a specific branch or program.
Can a planned gift work for me?
Planned gifts, large and small, all make a difference. Your planned gift, added with others, will have significant impact.
How does my planned gift support for Y?
Planned gifts are typically directed to the YMCA endowment and carefully invested. The income generated from your gift is used to further the work of the YMCA for generations. This is a gift that keeps on giving over many years.
What's the difference between a direct gift to the Y and a gift to the Endowment Fund?
Direct gifts are used for immediate needs. Gifts to the endowment fund are retained and invested. The income generated by the endowment is used year after year to support the purpose you designate.
What if I want to see the impact of my gift during my lifetime?
You may donate to an existing YMCA endowment fund today, or create your own named endowment fund that will begin supporting the YMCA during your lifetime.
How can I be sure my gift will support my community?
You designate the purpose and use of your gift in writing when you create a planned gift or endowment fund. Your gift will support your community now and in the future.
Including the YMCA of Muncie into Your Will
The following statements are examples of suggested bequest wording to benefit the YMCA of Muncie.
Each individual situation is unique; therefore, these examples include only some of the possible gift opportunities. We encourage you to discuss your intentions with your attorney, financial advisor and with us at the YMCA of Muncie to guarantee that your wishes will be properly followed and recognized.
Because a will is an important legal document, you should consult an attorney. To assist you with this consultation we offer suggested wording below:
“I give to the YMCA of Muncie a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Indiana and located in Muncie, Indiana, ____ percent (__%) of my estate OR the sum of $ ___ OR all my right, title, and interest in the following described property: _____, or all rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for the following purposes: ______.”
Percentage of Estate For Unrestricted Purposes:
“I give to the YMCA of Muncie, a not-for-profit organization located in Muncie, IN, _____ percent (%) of the remainder of my estate for its general charitable purposes.”
Percentage of Estate Directed to the YMCA of Muncie Endowment Fund:
“I give to the YMCA of Muncie, a not-for-profit organization located in Muncie, IN, _____ percent (%) of the remainder of my estate to establish the _______________________ Endowed Fund. The portion of this fund available for spending each year shall be used to ________________________. Contributions may be added to the Fund at any time.
“If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue administering the Fund for the purpose designated, then the YMCA of Muncie Board of Directors may redesignate the purpose, provided that the terms adhere as closely as possible to the original intent.”
Specific Amount For Unrestricted Purposes:
“I give to the YMCA of Muncie, a not-for-profit organization located in Muncie, IN., the sum of $ ________________ in cash (or ________ shares of ______________ stock) to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
Specific Amount For Specific Purposes:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the YMCA of Muncie, a not-for-profit organization located in Muncie, IN., the sum of $ ________________ in cash or in-kind (or ________ shares of ______________ stock) to be used for __________________________________________ at YMCA of Muncie.
“If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue administering the Fund for the purpose designated, then the YMCA of Muncie Board of Directors may re-designate the purpose, provided the terms adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.”
Designating the Purpose of a Bequest
Unrestricted: The most useful type of bequest is unrestricted, allowing the funds to be allocated wherever the need is greatest, and taking into account that changes (laws, new branches, etc.) may necessitate a use that cannot be anticipated at the time of the gift.
Restricted: You may designate your bequest to support a special program or purpose that reflects your interests (adult wellness, teen programs, or youth sports and camps).
If the bequest is restricted to a specific purpose, it is important that the following wording be added at the end of the provision. This will ensure that, in the remote possibility a specified purpose may cease to need funds in the future, an alternate use for the bequest may be determined.
“If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue administering the Fund for the purpose designated, then the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Board of Directors may redesignate the purpose, provided the terms adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.”
Kristen McConnell