Welcome to the YMCA of Muncie Social Media Rules of Engagement. The purpose of these guidelines is to set clear expectations when engaging with us using social media.
We will listen, learn, share, educate, and problem solve Monday-Friday between 8am-7pm (Eastern time). This does not mean that we will be unavailable outside of these hours, but just be aware response time may vary outside of the listed hours.
Next and perhaps the most important, we will respond and engage with all friends, followers, watchers, etc. – as long as your post does not contain profanity, spam, vulgarity, defamation, campaigns or services, off-topic comments, long embedded URL strings, personal attacks, threats, unsupported accusations or sensitive information.
Although this may seem obvious, we don’t want anything to come back and harm you or us. When you are tweeting, posting, or viewing our material, you are no longer on our official YMCA website. In order for us to engage and listen, we have to “swim” in outlets beyond our firewalls and our control. Anything submitted via social media is susceptible to spam, hacking, and all of the other crazy things people can do with your information. If you post your personal information on our social media page, you accept the responsibility and risk.
We can provide limited personal help through direct messages, but you must realize that these are not secure outlets and your information could be compromised. For a secure personal response, you should contact us through one of our controlled outlets – website (www.muncieymca.org), phone (765.281.YMCA), or at one of our branches.
Social Media we use:
Right now, we are using Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn and Instagram to actively engage with our members and participants in programs. If it appears that “we” are engaging in outlets not previously mentioned—it is not us. Please do not engage or attempt to contact us on other social media outlets. We will be sure to let the world know when we expand our social media outreach.